Evidently, mentioning that football leads to massive brain trauma is a liberal conspiracy against real America. In other news, I think we all are cheering for Oregon to crush Tennessee.
Heisman winner Johnny Manziel's class schedule: Johnny Football still finds time to be a college student too, even though the Texas A&M star doesn't have to be on campus very.
A.k.a. "Why you don't let SEK name your podcast," is now available: Download it here, and subscribe here.
The news that you can scan for CTE in living football players is a pretty big deal. Ta-Nehisi Coates thinks it will lead to the end of football. I am.
This is a couple weeks old, but is still awesome in every way: Dear Pro Football Hall of Fame selection committee members, I had the dubious pleasure of reading an.
I'm a bit outraged by Paul Anderson's piece arguing essentially that NFL players have the right to play after they've had a concussion. Anderson argues that our national concussion outrage.
Travis Waldron has a very good piece up at Think Progress about the referee lockout and player safety. The National Football League Players Association, a year removed from being locked.
As some of you probably know, the NFL has refused to sign a new contract with the referees union and has pulled together crews of scab referee labor. They are.