The Center for Investigative Reporting has an outstanding animation up about fish politics and who controls the fisheries. Essentially, the catch shares system for regulating fisheries has turned into creating.
To build upon my piece on cod (was going to write "cod piece" but was like, wait that's something else) from last week, see this letter to the editor of.
While I guess I'm glad that McDonald's is using a certified fish that is theoretically sustainable (although I doubt it really), I don't know what karma the entire noble species.
As I've said before, we people living today are the likely the last people who will ever eat saltwater fish on a commercial scale. The World Wildlife Fund and Brad.
There's a lot of weird wildlife management going on in the Pacific Northwest. First, you have the killing of barred owls in order to save spotted owls. The barred owls.
Michael Conathan has an interesting albeit somewhat overoptimistic look at the state of fisheries in 2011. Conathan notes a variety of pretty good news ranging from the implementation of catch.
Greenpeace is launching a major new campaign against the tuna industry, built around the massive deaths to other species caused by the way albacore tuna is caught: Longlines are just.