Fish and chips shops--chippies--are closing across Britain. The reasons do make sense--declining fish and rising energy costs--but there is always something sad about the decline of traditional foodways and it's.
Saturday afternoon seems like a good time to talk about the thing liberal communities care the most about--the complexity of natural resource politics. In this case, I wanted to highlight.
The important thing to note about seafood is that it is the last wild food that is consumed as a mass market product. And the inability to create rules that.
With all the outrages going on, it's important to remember all the other horrible things Republicans are doing to the world that don't get on the front pages. Such as.
Sure, I could write about impeachment and the decline of American democracy or climate change, or, God forbid, the Democratic primary. But I've been occupied with a far more interesting.
Only LGM provides you with the sturgeon news you demand! And for once, it's actually kind of good news. Lake Winnebago is one of only two locations in the world.

In the West, legal decisions to protect animals instead of allowing for the unregulated exploitation of the natural world continue to outrage already profitable industries. Never mind that the protection.
As the the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service determines whether the bluefin tuna should be listed under the Endangered Species Act (spoiler: under Trump it won't), it's worth noting that.