At one of my wonkier venues, I have some thoughts about the issues that Matt and Ezra have also discussed recently. There's no question that the combination of increased partisanship.
They understood that the best way to protect minority rights via legislation was to employ a three-step process.Step One: Create a system of legislative rules so inherently dysfunctional that nothing.
To make some comments on the conversation between Drum and Yglesias (and Hertzberg):The case for the constitutionality of the filibuster starts from a compelling basis: Article I specifies that "Each.
Not being on the top-secret list I can't say whether someone actually did come up with one. But I'm amused that the small and odd band of progressives attempting to.
With the discussion here and elsewhere in the blogosphere about the filibuster, I thought it was worth trying to get to the core of the issues. It is true, as.
John Judis brings the appropriate level of outrage to the failure of the auto bailout. And I actually think Kevin Drum is being too charitable when he attributes Republican opposition.