Having discussed the limitations of positivist political science, I attempt to figure it out using my highly sophisticated "educated guess" method. Although it's a "sovereign immunity" case and not a.
I remember when I used to joke about Republicans bringing back Hammer v.Dagenhart. [Update: more explanation here.] Senator Mike Lee provides the punchline himself. It's worth mentioning here that, Lee's claims.
Megan McArdle apparently believes she has liberals who support broad federal powers dead to rights: 1) Can Congress enact a $50,000 tax on second term abortions? 2) Can Congress enact.
Radley Balko asks: Putting aside what’s codified Bill of Rights, which was ratified after the main body of the Constitution, do you believe the Constitution puts any restrictions on the.
In fairness, when it comes to trusting states to administer important federal social programs, what could possibly go wrong?
I've seen in several places that Souter, while an admirable justice, didn't produce a lot of memorable quotes. I suppose this is true. But his coruscating demolitions of the Rehnquist.