federal courts
This George W. Bush nominee to the District Court seems to be using the Carl Paladino defense for his racist email: The judge acknowledged that the content of the email.
Excellent post by Plumer about the challenge to the EPA's authority to issue regulations pertaining to greenhouse gases. If outright denialist arguments don't prevail, they could succeed in getting.
Neither majority decided on the merits; they were rejected on standing and ripeness grounds, respectively. Much more about this later, although for know I'll say that I was happy to.
Because of both Senate obstructionism and the relatively low priority placed on them by the Obama administration, the pace of appointments to the federal judiciary has been regrettably low. But.
I have a new TAP piece about the unacceptably high vacancy rates on the federal courts. The best symbol of Republican obstructionism, to me, isn't Liu. I believe he should.
D.C. federal district judge Gladys Kessler issued the latest ruling, reinforcing the partisan trend. Her opinion is a very solid piece of work, and provides a good account of the.
Royce Lamberth is the kind of judge -- because of his crusades and inflammatory pronouncements on behalf generally but not exclusively reactionary positions -- who.
Vikram Amar has a good piece about the recent holding that Propoistion 8 is unconstitutional and the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. The most important point, I think, is that.