fantasy baseball
Free Leonard wins again. At least brokenax16 pushed FL in the final segment. RK ENTRY, OWNER SEGMENT TOTAL PCT 1 Free Leonard, mattricci 3920 8574 98.2 2 brokenax, brokenax16.
Eagerly awaiting confirmation on this deal. Tossing it out now for the folks to chew on; my first thoughts are that it's a good deal for the Angels, that moving.
Whatever. My favorite bit: “One thing he was always telling me: ‘When they gave you that money, it was for what you already did, not for what you’re going to.
M. Ricci has won the 2009 LGM Baseball Challenge Tourney decisively, taking both segments. Congratulations are due; also, M. Ricci should contact me regarding prize info. E-mail available on the.
In what surely must rank as one of the most ingenious draft-day choices since the ascent of Sam Bowie to the NBA, I actually paid several dollars for the pitching.
After a long, bitter fight, the LGM Baseball Challenge Challenge has been decided. The lead changed numerous times this week, including several times yesterday; finally, the Yankees pitching staff produced.
The Supreme Court denies cert to an appeal by Major League Baseball seeking to overrule an 8CA opinion that MLB's attempt to stop fantasy league operators from using their statistics.