Eventheliberal Washington Post
I mentioned it below, but Richard Cohen's openly racist op-ed deserves its own post: I don’t like what George Zimmerman did, and I hate that Trayvon Martin is dead. But.
Two updates to posts from last week. First, Colbert is absolutely brutal to Jennifer Rubin: The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive Second,.
The WAPO continues its descent with the firing of Dan Froomkin. That a newspaper which has no problem hosting the one-note rantings of the loathsome Charles Krauthammer, while going out.
Remember yesterday when the Washington Post made room for Charlotte Allen's screed? Well, apparently the whole thing was just one tongue-in-cheek big ol' joke. Just like Joel Stein. Funny, I'm.