The verdict of the people is clear. If they want to avoid further backlash, Democrats should resist the urge to take rash legislative action before a Republican Congress is seated next January.
epic fails
Although I'm hardly a rational choice purist, I tend to think that political actors operate according to logics that are essentially intelligible, and that they more or less respond to.
Wow. How humiliating for him. Then again, real Americans don't live in big cities, so it's hard to count this as a loss for him. I'm sure he killed in.
...apparently weaves a mean tall tale, which embellished the speech in which he chose to respond to Obama's economic speech by reiterating the claim that Mississippi's economic system should serve as a national model. (Although pointing it out makes you a racist.) Republican claims of...
Silver:If it sounds like Jindal is targeting his speech to a room full of fourth graders, that's because he is. They might be the next people to actually vote for.
If only Pajamas Media had put on more blogjams, it could have been the hottest thing since the Victory Caucus.
Pajamas Media. If I understand correctly, they're going to go from being a $7 million wingnut RSS feeder/wingnut BlogAds to a wingnut BloggingHeads. I'm sure that will be equally successful......whoa, whoa, it true that the idea is that this wingnut Bloggingheads will involve a...