As I said earlier today, I've been researching. The main archival collection I've been examining is the papers of Jim Weaver, who was an Oregon congressman in the 70s and.
Unfortunately, Earth First groups are going back to their old tactic of tree spiking, which is the strategy of fighting for the earth by driving metal spikes into trees so.
On January 23, 1973, the Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers went on strike against Shell Oil. This strike gained unusual supporters. Environmentalists came out hard against Shell and in support.
I don't know that a meat tax could work in reducing consumption to fight climate change, but at least it's good to see environmentalists understanding that any such move would.
One of my biggest pet peeves is the cliched assumption that apocalyptic environmentalism turns people off from doing anything about the environment rather than convincing people to fix the problem..
Some people don't like to be wrong. I love to be wrong. That's because I'm pretty pessimistic about modern politics and even more so about the future. I don't want.

The Times has a discussion of Paul Ehrlich's 1968 book The Population Bomb, setting it up as so many do today--as being fundamentally wrong and tainting environmentalism as a whole.
The White House blog has been shamelessly claiming how progressive and good for the American people the Trans-Pacific Partnership is. The other day, it sent out a message about how.