Good to see that a state judge has quashed the efforts of all-purpose winger Ken Cuccinelli to sue the climate scientist Michael Mann for the crime of practicing science. Unfortunately,.
Unconscionable. This makes me want to take a second look at Polly Higgins' idea of prosecuting catastrophic corporate negligence at the International Criminal Court.
And by this I assume the report means all wars, not just inter-state wars, considering that the number for the latter is getting so small in historical terms that nearly.
Via Plumer, Stephen Dubner's attempt to preempt the many critics of their global warming arguments contains two classic approaches:We have a chapter in SuperFreakonomics about global warming and it too.
I strongly recommend Kate Sheppard's piece on the EPA's new determination that "that planet-warming greenhouse gases pose a danger to public health and welfare," both because it provides valuable information.
Another Bush administration change in E.P.A. regulations -- also reflective of the legendary Republican commitment to "federalism" -- has been rejected by the courts as inconsistent with the Clean Air.