Greenpeace is launching a major new campaign against the tuna industry, built around the massive deaths to other species caused by the way albacore tuna is caught: Longlines are just.
The border fence is such a disaster. Here's yet another example: Flooding caused by a border security fence in southwestern Arizona shows the structure is being built too quickly and.
At Alternet, Tara Lohan has a really interesting long interview with radical environmentalists Derrick Jensen, Lierre Keith, and Aric McBay, who have published a new book where they call for.
The White House and the major automakers have come to a deal that would raise auto efficiency requirements to as high as 54 mpg by 2025. The automakers were not.
I have an article at Global Comment on fracking, expanding on some of the themes I've discussed here over the past few weeks. Regarding Andrew Cuomo's appointment of leading environmentalists.
Again, I just have a really hard time understanding why we don't trust the energy industry to look out for our best interests? In 2007, Berry Energy Inc. of Clarksburg.
I have long had tremendous difficulty understanding the opposition of fossil fuel companies to new fuel technologies. For instance: The oil and gas industry gave astrophysicist Willie Soon more than.
Miners experienced awful conditions in the coal regions of West Virginia in the early 20th century. Coal companies ruled the region like a fiefdom. Impoverished workers had few connections with.