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Exxon Valdez

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On March 24, 2014
Happy 25th Anniversary to the Exxon Valdez oil spill. Those were some good times. What did biologists discover from it? That the oil industry is horrible for wildlife: Scientists had traditionally believed that oil basically had to cover an animal or embryo to hurt it....

Drill Baby Drill

On March 9, 2014

Decimating the American environment in order to challenge Putin by drilling for fossil fuels is now a Republican thing. Lover of freedom and the only progressive candidate in 2016, Rand.

BP: Class All the Way

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On February 24, 2014
As you recall, BP was responsible for a tiny little oil spill in 2010 called the Deepwater Horizon disaster. This only crushed tourism to New Orleans for several months, made people afraid to eat Gulf Coast seafood, and reminded Americans for weeks of their reliance...


On February 19, 2014

The geologically stable state of Oklahoma has experienced over 500 measurable earthquakes in 2014, far and away already a record for the state and it is February. Why? Fracking, duh..

The Wages of Coal

In General
On February 6, 2014
Plumer has a good summary of one of the nation's most underreported energy/environmental problems--coal ash storage. Storing this nasty stuff safely is a real problem. Environmentalists have pushed for new regulations, but the Obama Administration has moved very slowly. What's the risk of coal ash?...

China Solar

On January 25, 2014

While we all know of the environmental disaster that is China and the huge problems the Chinese government has had in managing that pollution, especially given the emphasis it places.

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