Decimating the American environment in order to challenge Putin by drilling for fossil fuels is now a Republican thing. Lover of freedom and the only progressive candidate in 2016, Rand.
Paul Ryan may be slightly disingenuous: “I think when you have the world’s super power, having a foreign policy that in my opinion is weak, and a defense policy now.
The Congressional Science Committee is at present basically the legislative arm of the Chevron octopus: For Chevron, the second-largest oil company in the country with $26.2 billion in annual profits,.
The oil industry has agreed to voluntary standards to improve safety on oil trains after a spate of recent accidents. Of course it's voluntary which means that it's unenforceable. So.
The geologically stable state of Oklahoma has experienced over 500 measurable earthquakes in 2014, far and away already a record for the state and it is February. Why? Fracking, duh..
So let's say a large energy company, perhaps Chevron, has come into your community exploring for fuel. And let's say that Chevron screws up and one of their gas wells.
For quite awhile, the AFL-CIO has tried to tread a middle ground on fossil fuel development. Understanding that its constituent unions had differing feelings on the issue and finding itself.
While we all know of the environmental disaster that is China and the huge problems the Chinese government has had in managing that pollution, especially given the emphasis it places.