Eric Lipton's feature on the decline of coal in Kentucky is interesting, though flawed. He tells a heartbreaking story for these coal miners, helping us understand just how deeply people.
Glenn Hurowitz has an important piece at Think Progress noting that Obama's decision on whether palm oil should be included in the Renewable Fuel Standard will be the most important.
A report released by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources links earthquakes in the Youngstown area to fracking. Fracking supporters continue to talk of the practice as safe, but the.
Good Washington Post piece on the dilemma Ohio faces over fracking. People really want jobs. Cities like Canton, Youngstown, and Toledo are suffering. Long-term deindustrialization exacerbated by factory closures since.
I have a piece out today at Alternet detailing the struggle to protect some of the United States' most beautiful and unique landscapes from the scourge of dirty energy production..
Leo Hickman has a nice little piece of investigative journalism in the Guardian about how a right-wing climate myth gets born and spread. In short, a scientist working on whether.
If there's one thing more frustrating to environmentalists than the reluctance of the government to subsidize clean energy production, I don't know what it is. Not only is it central.
Colorado is reaching a bit of an odd moment in the short history of renewable energy in this county. In 2004, Colorado voters decided to create a sustainable energy requirement.