electoral politics
The Observer published the new Ipsos-MORI poll on Sunday on voting intentions for the forthcoming British election, and the media are all aflutter about its implications. Specifically, the Tory lead.
I'm off to Canada tomorrow to present a paper on the relationship between asylum seekers and support for far-right parties in English local elections (authored with a Ph.D. student of.
I've been meaning to find the time to write about this, but Daniel over at Crooked Timber makes a lot of the same points that I wanted to make in offering a fairly classic Downsian analysis. One major extension to his thesis is that I...
You're damned fortunate that they're dead tired of the Labour Government.I have had the misfortune of experiencing the first couple weeks of teaching term, which means I've been working more.
An article of mine was just published days ago in the latest issue of Party Politics, which is one of the top Political Science journals in the UK. This one,.