I think this gets most of the obligatory points:A statement, or paragraph, about "hook-up culture," preferably with no statistics to back it up, but if you must, you must. General.
Anthony Infanti at Feminist Law Profs has got a great post up about the decision of the President of San Jose State University to ban blood drives on campus. Why?.
In response to Robert Maranto's editorial, Donald Douglas of Long Beach City College spills his guts and exposes the leftist cesspool of higher education:Maranto's discussion rings very true in my.
This op-ed in today’s Washington Post recycles all the unpersuasive anecdotal and statistical complaints usually raised by conservatives when moaning about the liberal bias in higher education. The piece is.
Laura McKenna:OK, a little poking around found that the Cleveland voucher is now worth up to $5,000 per student, which is much closer to what the average per student funding.
As a follow-up to the debate that various TAPPEDers and ex-TAPPEDers are having with respect to conservertarian claims about the efficacy of school vouchers, this from Justice Stevens's dissent in.
Whatever you think about the debate over the availability of the birth control pill in a Maine middle school, the Onion's done you one better.(via)