The Course: SSCI 102: Reading and Writing in the Social Sciences.The Content: Survey of contemporary, peer-reviewed social science articles and monographs; discussion of basic research methods and analytical skills useful.
I think this gets most of the obligatory points:A statement, or paragraph, about "hook-up culture," preferably with no statistics to back it up, but if you must, you must. General.
If you can ignore the truly inane comments (with your usual dose of lady-shaming and -blaming), it's worth checking out this article on the Denver Post's website, reporting on a.
In response to Robert Maranto's editorial, Donald Douglas of Long Beach City College spills his guts and exposes the leftist cesspool of higher education:Maranto's discussion rings very true in my.
It's no surprise at this point to learn that the prison door is revolving. Recent studies show that up to 2/3 of those recently released from prisons are rearrested within.
Laura McKenna:OK, a little poking around found that the Cleveland voucher is now worth up to $5,000 per student, which is much closer to what the average per student funding.
From Slate's XX Factor:Following the kerfuffle over birth control for the Hanna Montana set, health officials in Portland, Maine, have agreed to report “all illegal sexual activity involving minors as.
Whatever you think about the debate over the availability of the birth control pill in a Maine middle school, the Onion's done you one better.(via)