Dana Goldstein: I recently picked up Ross Perlin's "Intern Nation: How to Earn Nothing and Learn Little in the Brave New Economy." The book is a scathing critique of intern culture,.
Comparative lessons. It's also worth remembering that one of the things these countries don't do is fire lots of teachers based on extensive standardized testing and hope a whole bunch.
My friend Ken Sherrill sends along the following note: Only 5 states do not have collective bargaining for educators and have deemed it illegal. Those states and their ranking on.
Finished now with final exams, the giving, the grading, etc. I posted my National Security Policy final exam over at ID, along with some thoughts about the comprehensive exam process.
Hey. HEY! The only thing that's important is that UK made the List of Top Public Schools. It doesn't matter where we are on that list. And yes, such rankings.
Shorter Tigerhawk:Above all else, the manufactured outrage over President Obama's address to schoolchildren should force us to recognize that public education is a farce, because a completely privatized system would.
Is pretty obvious that writing this article for a national audience makes you kind of a dick, but does this parenting seem likely to accomplish its intended goals? "My twins.
There's news today that major private banks are refusing to give loans any longer to students at community colleges and at "less prestigious" universities. Led (not surprisingly in many ways).