I lack strong opinions about the Al-Awlaki hit, but here are some links: Glenn is in good form. Spencer lays out the politico-military considerations. Robert Chesney on the pro-assassination side. This amounted to the assassination of a US citizen on secret evidence, even if there...
This is interesting: The CIA has declined comment on allegations that its drones have a targeting margin of error of up to 40 feet, a malfunction that could be contributing.
Amitai Etzioni, a law professor at George Washington University, has followed up the State Department's justification for drone attacks in Pakistan with an argument of his own, published in the.
I've been thinking this weekend about Gary Solis' WAPO op-ed of Friday about CIA drone pilots being unlawful combatants - unlike drone pilots serving in the US armed forces who may arguably be violating the laws of war but at least have the right under...