Will it take a plane crash that kills 200 people to lead to a crackdown against privately owned drones? Or are drones the new gun, with their use "personal freedom".
Couple of thoughts about Rand Paul's marathon filibuster. First, it should go without saying that Rand Paul is not on the side of progressives for any reason. Even on drones.
Like Ta-Nehisi Coates and others, I am pretty disgusted that the Obama Administration has defined any male of military age killed by a drone bombing to be a combatant. This.
Some additional thoughts on the Holder speech: 1. I'm generally in agreement with Adam/Marcy/Scott/ et al regarding the question of due process and judicial oversight in the targeting process To.
Last week I blogged heads with Sam Roggeveen of the Lowy Institute: Tragically, we failed to have a forward looking conversation about a post-Kim Jong Il North Korea. However, last.
Last night I was on Alyona, talking drones and Iran:
So I'm having trouble reconciling this Ben Wittes: Finally, Spencer might be suggesting that the government should at least be accountable to the public for such a targeting–that is, that.
I lack strong opinions about the Al-Awlaki hit, but here are some links: Glenn is in good form. Spencer lays out the politico-military considerations. Robert Chesney on the pro-assassination side..