While I would like to believe the argument made here by Max Bergman, I'm afraid I'm a good deal less optimistic regarding the influence of Heritage: The hard right Heritage.
Finished now with final exams, the giving, the grading, etc. I posted my National Security Policy final exam over at ID, along with some thoughts about the comprehensive exam process.
If you believe that US foreign policy can accomplish anything positive (and I do) then Richard Holbrooke's loss is sad and unfortunate.
My latest column at WPR involves Wikileaks and North Korea: Of course, the collapse of North Korea would require intense negotiations between all of the major regional actors, including Japan,.
This goes up on the office door.
Some damage is hard to fix. The UK government needs to be "less deferential" towards the US and more willing to say no to Washington, a group of MPs have.
Kroenig, via Yglesias:The United States’ global power-projection capability provides Washington with a significant strategic advantage: It can protect, or threaten, Iran and any other country on the planet. An Iranian.
Nauru has just become the first country to recognize Kosovo, South Ossetia, and Abkhazia. Unfortunately, Nauru switched its diplomatic recognition from Taiwan to the PRC in 2002, meaning that it.