Michael Kazin always has good things to say and one of the things he notes here is that not only is it necessary to rebuild unions to rebuild the Democratic.
For years, I found Democrats' fear to engage in an open defense of abortion frustrating. How did it help to couch your defense as "safe, legal, and rare" for example?.
The White House, CC BY 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons This is a long post. You can skip to the end and get a summary. Also, I'm sure it's.
Since Democrats are, you know, in array, pundits now have to think about what that means. Of course Michael Tomasky is far better than your average pundit, so he's thought.
When people debate how bad their state Democratic Party is and they come up with answers such as Illinois and New York, I just laugh. Because Rhode Island, that's where.
Sean McElwee has a great piece on the point that there really is zero middle ground on issues of racial justice and thus there is no reason for candidates to.