democratic party
I don't agree with everything in here and you probably won't either, but this is a good summary of the incredible challenges Democrats face, with Obama's disastrous strategy on building.
People largely responded positively to my call to do something, anything, but something to fight Trump. Right now, there's a lot of people who want to do nothing but relitigate.
I know Joan Walsh is a big Hillary Clinton supporter and thus many of you will disqualify her remarks based upon that. But I think she is right--Bernie Sanders' strategy.
Interesting long essay at Jacobin by Paul Heideman about how the left tried to remake the Democratic Party in the 1960s and 1970s and why it failed. While I can.
I suppose it's fine to try and carve out positions that explicitly appeal to white male voters, but not if it means watering down the core values of the Democratic.
I think some of the ways in which a generic Democratic president differs from a Republican are well-known to informed observers, if they tend to drop out of discussions of.
An interesting and somewhat puzzling argument has been cropping up in comments from (amongst others) esteemed LGM commenters drip and John Emerson. drip:the existence of the filibuster gives the democrats.
Chris Bowers:African-Americans support Democrats by about an 8-1 ratio. All 42 African-American members of the House and Senate are Democrats.The LGBT community supports Democrats by about a 3-1 ratio. Both.