Can turn what should be a sure thing into an angst ridden few days. The only thing more fulfilling than rooting for Celtic in European competition, or the Mariners prior to 1995, is consistently setting myself up for disappointment by supporting the Democrats.I have several...
Democratic ineptitude
Right. At the very least, Reid need to actually get senators on the record with a cloture vote. If Snarlin' Arlen wants to filibuster an eminently qualified nominee because she',.
Obama is apparently urging House Dems to strip birth control funding from the stimulus bill. While this would be wrong on the merits, as Matt says what's even worse is.
An interesting and somewhat puzzling argument has been cropping up in comments from (amongst others) esteemed LGM commenters drip and John Emerson. drip:the existence of the filibuster gives the democrats some cover for a distinctly non-progressive agenda and they lack motivation to change itJE:The Democrat...
In a general sense, I agree that sometimes people can get a little sloppy about blaming "the Democrats" for the enactment of policies or nomination confirmations opposed by most Democrats.