democratic backsliding

Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour It's no fun being right about how Trump's authoritarian dispositions will play out when his back is against the wall. As Paul Waldman.
As Scott notes, the Wisconsin Republican legislature is on the brink of engaging in an "abuse of power" that underscores how.
On May 11, 2017 Trump disclosed, during an interview with NBC's Lester Holt, that he fired the Director of the FBI, James Comey, in an effort to interfere with an.
I put a poll up on Twitter with the aim of provoking some discussion. If the United States dissolved tomorrow, leaving 50 independent states, how many would qualify as “fully”.
I have a piece.
If you imagine H.R. McMaster saying to Steve Miller, "fine, I'll let you have your Fascism Lite™ stuff so long as the President affirms Article V and discusses Russian destabilization as a.
In the United States, Political Science is conventionally divided into four major subfields: American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, and Political Theory. These divisions lack strong intellectual justification. They are largely.
Over at my other digs, Kindred Winecoff is running a series called "World Politics in a Time of Populist Nationalism" (which, unfortunately, he's decided requires an acronym). They're all 'good' (if you.