delusional wingnuttery
Tom Vu, come back, all is forgiven...
I just have one thing to say about the Red Dawn remake: I will not complain that it is "too wingnutty." In fact, I'll complain if it's not wingnutty enough..
I do love this bit, from Michael Goldfarb:The consequences of this action in Eastern Europe, especially in Ukraine and in other countries that feel vulnerable to Russian power, will be.
Holy crap. The original, and a bit of analysis. And it's been six long days since we had a Palin post.I pledge to work for this star in helping her.
I can only praise Jeebus for the fact that my children are too young to be exposed to the nefarious, American-hating, Marxist doctrines of Barry Soetoro. Of course, we'll be.
Shorter Tigerhawk:Above all else, the manufactured outrage over President Obama's address to schoolchildren should force us to recognize that public education is a farce, because a completely privatized system would.
Anyone hyping the EMP threat ought to be laughed out of public life...
It comes as little surprise that someone who commemorates treason in defense of slavery would fail to notice the absurdity in accusing Ted Kennedy of conspiring against his country, but.