I know that there's nothing particularly new about regimes using state power to reward supportive oligarchs and corporations while destroying opponents. But the current "global patrimonial wave" — and its relationship to democratic backsliding — tracks back not just to Orbán but, ultimately to Putin....
culture wars
One of the most remarkable battles in the culture war is presently happening in Austin, with basically a full-fledged war happening between liberal current students and Black football players at.
Good essay here, pointing out that the tax bill isn't just a giveaway to the plutocrats. It's also open warfare on every institution considered a home of liberals and nearly.
You can't make this stuff up. Right-wing activists attempted to shut down the controversial performance of Julius Caesar that portrays the titular character as Donald Trump. There is, of course, a certain pathos to self-proclaimed conservatives seeking to halt—through disruption—a performance of a classic work...
In 1979, Mike Huckabee gave a sermon that included a discussion of Life of Brian. There was a time in this country when a movie like The Life of Brian.
Oklahoma is moving to reject Advanced Placement U.S. History curriculum because it doesn't believe the new standards say that America is awesome enough: State Rep. Dan Fisher (R) introduced a.
It's pretty typical that Drudge would invoke the fear of salsa overtaking ketchup as America's favorite condiment in his culture wars. Personally, I say Viva Reconquista. If ketchup is the condiment of the Tea Party, it just confirms everything I already think about it. So...