Sentencing youthful offenders (that's kids who are convicted for crimes) to life incarceration violates virtually every human rights norm out there. According to Human Rights Watch, there are only 7 people outside the United States who were sentenced to life in prison while minors.Wanna guess...
criminal (in)justice
This shouldn't come as a surprise: prison is not a fun place to be for anyone, but especially not for women. Why is it so bad for women, you ask?Well,.
Given that 7% of incarcerated women in the United States were pregnant at the time of their sentencing, it's surprising that the conditions of confinement for pregnant and birthing women.
So, I'm late to the Liptak love this week. I blame it on...whatever. It's time. Only 2 days late.This week, Liptak joins the crack/cocaine sentencing fray with a column noting how little the Supreme Court's big holdings in Kimbrough and Gall last week will actually...
Last night, after I finished my exam and my brain had oozed out of my ears and then been reconstituted, I listened to a recent "This American Life" that KMZ.
It's no surprise at this point to learn that the prison door is revolving. Recent studies show that up to 2/3 of those recently released from prisons are rearrested within.
The current insanity of life sentences should be familiar to everyone. Three strikes laws have stranded thousands of low level offenders in prison for life.Back in the day, “life” in prison meant roughly 15 years. Yet as Adam Liptak reports, thousands of incarcerated men and...