Sure, the meatpacking plants are now slightly less horrible than they were before COVID-19 forced the industry to make slight changes so their workers didn't get sick and die. But.
I was happy to be interviewed for this Livia Gershon story at JSTOR Daily on what the Great Depression can tell us about where we are at today. The two.
French President Emmanuel Macron wears a patriotic face mask to speak with schoolchildren (AP photo/Ian Langsdon) First off, hello! How’s everyone doing? It’s been awhile. I made a tiny human.
Ultimately, one of the biggest issues in COVID-19 so far has been workplace safety. Meatpacking, groceries, warehouses, Walmart--all of these workforces have been declared "essential" and thus exposed to a.
I found the comments to my post this morning about social survival in the pandemic interesting, particularly within the framework of social shaming, which isn't going to work. I think.
Life in the pandemic is not easy for anyone. What is the proper behavior? What is out of bounds? We know that assholes going out to lunch at a crowded.
I've been talking to quite a few reporters about organizing in the Depression, a story that has gotten a lot more interest as we enter into our own version of.
I am not a historian of medicine. But as an environmental historian, I'm familiar enough with this cousin of my field to know the stories they tell well enough. And.