Regular readers of Lawyers, Guns and Money will know that I've long argued that progressivism must be internationalist in orientation. Among other reasons, contemporary kleptocracy and oligarchy is transnational character..
President-elect Donald Trump meets with former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani at the clubhouse of the Trump National Golf Club November 20, 2016 in Bedminster, New Jersey. AFP PHOTO.

The consequences of the Trump administration have been both depressing and predictable. The only uncertainty: the scope and speed of the cruelty inflicted on the vulnerable and the ultimate extent.
Another day, another story about someone giving money to Trump in an effort to sway public policy. This time, according to the Washington Post, "a wealthy Iraqi sheikh named Nahro.
Lest this get lost in all today's fun: Rep. Duncan Hunter and his wife, Margaret, were indicted Tuesday on charges related to the misuse of $250,000 worth of campaign funds.
The New Gilded Age sure looks a lot like the first Gilded Age. The first congresscritter to endorse Trump is on the board of a publicly traded company and he.
Thank God Donald Trump won so the corrupt pro-capitalist neoliberal order could finally be defeated! The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has granted a financial hardship waiver to an oil refinery.
I know I am glad the Trump administration is cleaning up the incredibly corrupt Washington of the Obama years! On March 29, 2017, Robert Murray, the founder and owner of.