Not at the Issa Inquisition Into Dirty Sluts Who Might Use Contraception in Furtherance of Sexual Behavior Ross Douthat Does Not Approve Of, that's for sure. And if it had.
To continue on the theme of late 19th/early 20th century sexuality and its implications for today, you all must read this absolutely outstanding Michelle Goldberg piece in The Nation on.
The brilliance of the Republican strategy to go all in with the Catholic bishops on denying birth control to women is paying off major dividends. If you are a Democrat..
Fantastic little oral history of Plan B on the day that the FDA decides whether to transition the pill to over-the-counter status, which I very much hope it does. Total.
More than a little dispiriting that Obama is creating broad exemptions for religious groups to not provide free birth control in their health insurance plans. Congressional Democrats are rightfully outraged. In other news, the Catholic Church's position on birth control is wildly out of touch...