To state the obvious, this non-action is awful both on the merits (making the permanent extension of Bush's upper-class tax cuts more likely) and as politics (name me the district.
Given the glaring factual howlers (which, needless to say. err on the Pain Caucus side the paper's editors have long favored), none of the claims in this WaPo story can.
Bart Stupak is happy to blow up health care reform, denying countless people medical care and hence unnecessary illness and death, if access to abortion can't be made more inequitable..
Although there will be an inevitable rush among Beltway journalists to turn this into a "Democrats are dropping like flies!" narrative (see a classic example here), I endorse all of.
A useful reminder that of what the era of congressional bipartisanship actually consisted of:The Senator in question was James Eastland of Mississippi and he was a good deal crazier and.
I agree that Kyl and Grassley openly admitting the obvious fact that Republicans will not vote for any Democratic health care proposal seems like a dumb political tactic, which could.
I think this is definitely correct. I didn't understand why Obama was appointing viable Senate candidates at the time, and it looks even worse in retrospect. (Although the subsequent analysis.
To follow-up on what Matt says here, it's especially dismaying to see Murray and Cantwell vote for the decrease in the estate tax. It's not as if they have to.