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confrontation in the caucasus

Russia Annexes South Ossetia?

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On August 31, 2008
Caveat emptor, President Kokoity.The Kremlin moved swiftly to tighten its grip on Georgia’s breakaway regions yesterday as South Ossetia announced that it would soon become part of Russia, which will open military bases in the province under an agreement to be signed on Tuesday.Tarzan Kokoity,...


On August 25, 2008

Sevastopol:Russia's flagship cruiser re-entered the Black Sea on Monday for weapons tests hours after the Russian military complained about the presence of U.S. and other NATO naval ships near the.

More on the Russian Air Force

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On August 22, 2008
Via Danger Room, David Fulghum has a good post up at Ares on the Russian Air Force. Whatever prep the Army and the Navy may have conducted prior to the beginning of the war, it doesn't appear that the planning spread to the Air Force....

Whither NATO Revisited

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On August 20, 2008
I'm not sure I get all of this handwringing over the NATO response to the war between Russia and Georgia. There is a really simple, clearly understandable explanation for why NATO didn't come to Georgia's aid: Georgia isn't a NATO country. NATO was under no...

The Winter War

On August 17, 2008

For some unfathomable reason I was reading the January 2006 issue of Military History today at the gym, and came upon a pretty good article about the Battle of Suomussalmi,.

More on Military Performance

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On August 16, 2008
Nexon asks for another assessment of the performance of the Russian and Georgian armed forces. Again, this is very preliminary; the lessons of this war will take a long time to learn and internalize.The Georgians did have some technical advantages, such as nightfighting gear on...


On August 16, 2008

Russia appears to be displeased about the missile defense deal with Poland:Russia reacted angrily, saying that the move would worsen relations with the United States that have already been strained.

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