confrontation in the caucasus
A correspondent keeps sending me groovy Russian TV clips; this one takes something of an alarmist view of the ability of a Tomahawk missile to strike targets in Russia. Of.
Sevastopol:Russia's flagship cruiser re-entered the Black Sea on Monday for weapons tests hours after the Russian military complained about the presence of U.S. and other NATO naval ships near the.
I can't be the only one to think that this cover art is just... fabulous in so many ways. In other stuff that you should be reading:Doug Muir on Zviad.
Via ID, it appears that the Russian aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov is deploying from Murmansk to the Mediterranean. The expectation seems to be that she will operate (at least for.
A lot of criticism of Georgia's operational mistakes (as opposed to its basic strategic error) has focused on the failure to blow up Roki Tunnel, which is the only passable.
For some unfathomable reason I was reading the January 2006 issue of Military History today at the gym, and came upon a pretty good article about the Battle of Suomussalmi,.
Russia appears to be displeased about the missile defense deal with Poland:Russia reacted angrily, saying that the move would worsen relations with the United States that have already been strained.
I have an article up at TAP on NATO and the Russia-Georgia war.