confederate heritage month
Now you know:Social equality should not mean that blacks can take pride in any part of history they choose (even if their self-proclaimed leaders such as Nelson Mandela and Malcolm.
In recognition of the day, there was A Gathering of Shitheads in Mississippi:A 21-gun salute boomed Friday afternoon at the Nathan Bedford Forrest memorial in downtown Hattiesburg.In an early observance.
Via Think Progress, Alexandra Liddy Bourne of the Heartland Institute, speaking to the Heritage Foundation:So yet again, the South has to pay on its back the cost of using coal.
Red State wonders why Democrats are so stoopid:Of course, it could just be that the Democrats are clueless about the military. Someone should ask the Democrats if they think we're.
I'd be remiss in letting the day pass without noting that April 4 is not only the 40th anniversary of Martin Luther King's assassination but also the 149th anniversary of.
It begins:April have [sic] become known as Confederate History Month.This is a time to remember great Americans like Lizzie Rutherford of Columbus, Georgia who on a cold January day worked.