confederate flag
For a brief moment last year, it seemed like anti-Confederate activism was making institutional pushes against Confederate symbolism in southern state governments. But it was just a moment. It is.
....that the man who organized the anti-Obama protests after the shooting in Roseburg, Oregon, that consisted of gun-toting white people festooned with Confederate flags, is a convicted felon and that.
Travis Waldron notes that a next likely battle over the Confederate flag is at the high school level, with so many southern schools adopting it as their team mascot. Since.
The racists have burned 8 black churches in 10 days.
With a blog post title like this, I confess that there are lots of stupid conservative talking points. But the winner is "derp, modern Democrats are the real racists because.
Most of you already know about the awesome event of this morning, when an activist by the name of Bree Newsome climbed up the flagpole outside the South Carolina capitol.
California takes a significant step in what I think should be a movement to ban the Confederate flag: Starting next year, the Confederate flag will no longer be available for.