This is the greatest weather report in history: Onion Weather Center: Arizona Heatwave Forces Temporary Suspension Of Racial Profiling The best part is when they hope for tornadoes to destroy.
It's been difficult to blog about this, as, well, this is ongoing and changing hourly. The Liberal Democrats commenced negotiations with the Conservative Party out of respect for the Tories.
Given Joe Biden's promotion, Al Franken's new job, and an upcoming Supreme Court Senate confirmation hearing, it would be almost criminal for NBC not to put this video up on.
From the political candidate who -- for nearly six weeks now -- hasn't had a public thought that wasn't handed to her on an index card, there's this:“The pundits today.
JammieWearingFool, lacking a better term: I must say, if a political hit (for lack of a better term) came out tomorrow and exploded on June 5, the irony meter would.
A little disappointing. A lot of good stuff, of course, but the narrative arc was way too similar the last episode of Season 2; it might have been better to.