colonial america
This is the grave of John Winthrop, Jr., or John Winthrop the Younger as he was known in ye olden days. Born in 1606 in Groton, Suffolk, England, Winthrop grew.
This is the grave of Hugh Jones. Born in 1691 in Little Dewchurch, Herefordshire, England, I don't really know much about his background, but Jones ended up at Oxford, which.
On July 9. 1640, a Virginia court ruled that a Black indentured servant who ran away was in fact a slave. This is a moment by which we can talk.
On May 30, 1741, Quack and Cuffee, two slaves convicted of a conspiracy to burn New York and start a slave rebellion, were burned to death. Part of the New.
We all need things to read other than articles where liberals and the left yell at each other over the election, depressing election post-mortems, and pieces describing the horrors to.
This is the grave of John Winthrop. The kindest, gentlest man ever to walk the soil of North America, Winthrop was the governor and founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Let's learn a bit the lovely people we are remembering today: On May 26, 1637, a Puritan force fortified by Native allies massacred a Pequot fort in Connecticut, killing as.
I trust you spent the week celebrating the 267th anniversary of the Boston Impressment Riot appropriately.