Rick Santorum can spew his racist nonsense about Native Americans in part because the major cultural institutions in the nation have not done anything to contribute to reminding the mass.
CNN just can't help itself. It publishes an article about how Trump is going to try and steal the election by claiming voter fraud when absentee ballots are slowly counted.
CNN sure has taken the lessons of getting played for patsies by Trump insiders to heart. A whole two days after repeating lies about Trump being less than monstrous on.
It's amazing how happy the media is to be played as patsies by con men. CNN reported Wednesday on a senior administration official admitting that the White House intentionally misled.
I understand that CNN is a business and thus decides to provide Americans a month of wall-to-wall coverage of the Malaysian Air flight. So I suppose I also understand that.
I know there's very little reason to have much hope for the mainstream media, but when villagers begin calling out Republicans to their faces on policy, it makes me a.
CNN, why do you still exist? Your ratings are garbage and rotting daily. You don't represent any constituency except for Beltway elites. You cover up for shoddy reporting and hackish.
I haven't glanced at CNN for months, but at the gym today I clicked over to CNN to see what they were saying about Stevens and the upcoming Supreme Court.