civil liberties
Another reminder.
From this day forward, I no longer shall tinker with the machinery of death. For more than 20 years I have endeavored--indeed, I have struggled--along with a majority of this.
I have a column up at the Prospect about the decision of the BART transit police to -- in the ignoble tradition of the Alien and Sedition Acts -- cut.
Since 1961, the Supreme Court has held that evidence illegally obtained by states is not admissible in court. Beginning with the Rehnquist Court, however, the Curt has been carving out.
Some initial thoughts here. Another way of putting it is that the Republican position here is self-refuting. The injunction requires the release of tens of thousands of prisoners only if.
I have an article up at the Prospect putting this week's diminution of Fourth Amendment rights in context: That the other eight justices signed on to the majority opinion shows.
Under the Fourth Amendment, searches of a person's home are presumed to require a valid warrant unless there are "exigent circumstances." The Supreme Court has also, logically enough, held that.
Ben Wittes believes that the new leaks about Gitmo are embarrassing because the government couldn't keep important secrets, and are inconsistent with the civil liberties of the persons who are,.