For our latest podcast, we had the privilege of talking to Marc Doussard at the University of Illinois and Greg Schrock of Portland State University about their new book Justice.
Annie Lowrey has a pretty good essay on the housing shortage. She rightfully makes the point that the biggest issue is a lack of new building. I can certainly accept.
Americans as a society hate cities, even as most of them live in a city. From Thomas Jefferson to Frank Lloyd Wright and so many others, key thinkers about American.
One major problem with American public transportation is the incredibly high cost of construction. Another is the spread out nature of American cities. How does one create functional public transportation.
Near the junction of the 400 to Buckhead, the 401 highway divides and splits during afternoon rush-hour traffic which slows and builds up so that vehicles and cars back-up as.
Since this is a topic we are already discussing today, I think another post is not too much. The reality is that a broken housing market combined with record income.
Boston, MA - 6/2/2013 - (Yoon S. Byun/Globe Staff) Tonight's selection is this 1972 documentary about Boston's North End, titled Little Italy. I've gotten to know the neighborhood a bit.
In today's podcast, I interview Andrew Sandoval-Strausz from Penn State University about his 2019 book Barrio America: How Latino Immigrants Saved the American City. This is an absolutely fascinating study.