Hans Kristensen highlights some new information that has come to light on plans to use nuclear weapons to defend Quemoy from Chinese invasion in 1958:Some of the veil covering U.S..
The Chinese appear to be stealing an effective and marketable Russian weapon design; the Russian response is to threaten a lawsuit:Russia is getting more and more upset at what it.
Via Danger Room, interesting Bloomberg article about the Russian-built Chinese-operated "Sizzler" missile. The Sizzler approaches its target at supersonic speed then arches right before hitting. Apparently, the USN has no.
From Vanessa at Feministing:In the midst of a trade discussion in 1973 with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Chinese leader Mao Zedong offered sending Chinese women to the United States.
Via Yglesias, China Hand has a pretty interesting post about China's influence over the Pakistani decision to crack down in Waziristan and at Lal Masjid:It was, after all, the provocative.