child labor
Upon reading this, you might think it's nice that a son is helping his father doing his construction labor over the summer. But then you realize that this sort of.
Your daily reminder how western corporations use supply chains use by turning their heads away from child labor while claiming no responsibility for the working conditions of the goods that.
On June 2, 1924, a constitutional amendment to ban child labor passed the Senate and was sent out to the states for ratification. Unfortunately, the states never ratified it, although.
As I have said repeatedly, without holding western corporations legally responsible for what happens in their supply chains, massive global exploitation will continue. Human Rights Watch has a new report.
The tobacco companies persist in employing children to harvest tobacco. Not in Malawi and China. In Virginia and North Carolina. Various North Carolina farmers partnered with R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company.
An excellent essay and photo gallery of the African children producing your chocolate. The reality is that the chocolate companies won't operate their own farms and while they have thrown.
Once again, investigators are exposing the horrors of the global supply chain that corporations rely on for their raw materials and much of their production. This time it is the.
In the Progressive Era, the photographs of Lewis Hine brought the horrible conditions of child laborers in the United States into the sight of the middle class, helping to bring.