child labor
I certainly understand that everyone is paying attention to the nightly treason of Uday and Qusay Trump, but it's at least worth noting that the Trump Department of Labor will.
While the world burns with new horrors daily, the old horrors continue, such as child labor for global supply chains that protect multinational corporations from responsibility by offloading all risk.
Trump's EPA is making the lives of the children who labor on our farms, which is in itself a legacy of Jim Crow and the inability to get the Fair.
Above: The Dream of the Republican Party Virginia Republicans double down on their commitment to child labor at the same time that it moves the official policy of the national.
In writing about the horrors of child labor internationally, I frequently get people telling me that "these people are poor and all banning child labor does is take income away.
Yes, I've said this 1000 times before. And I will say it 1000 times in the future. The only way to stop the exploitation of the world's poorest in the.
In Trump's America, finally children will be free to work again. A think tank funded by Donald Trump’s Secretary of Education pick recently advocated for putting kids back in the.
Evidently, it is National Chocolate Day. So this is a good time to remember that your beloved chocolate is produced by children working in horrific conditions and that if you.