child labor
This is the grave of Lewis Hine. Born in 1874 in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Hine was middle class but suffered through his father dying in an accident when the boy was.
A slight bit of good news, as every nation has now passed the International Labour Organization's Convention No. 182 on "The Worst Forms of Child Labor." That's great, but of.
The first time I gave a book talk about Out of Sight, there was someone in the audience who worked on these issues and couldn't get past that I was.
On July 7, 1903, Mary "Mother" Jones launched the Children's Crusade in support of a Philadelphia textile strike and to raise awareness about the need to end child labor. Marching.
On June 3, 1918, the Supreme Court, in the case of Hammer v. Dagenhart, overturned the Keating-Owen Child Labor Act, once again proving a reactionary force in the fight for.
Stephen Moore is just joining a chorus of Republicans longing for the good old days of child labor. The White House review comes as Mr. Moore is dealing with a.
Half of the workforce of the artisanal mining sector is comprised of children. Without viable economic alternatives, most children must join their parents in rudimentary mining.
When I read stories about the exploitation of children in global agribusiness, I get furious because they never get to root causes. This story about the widespread use of child.