I'm currently in the UK doing some research at the National Archives, and I'm reminded that accidental finds are always more interesting that what you're actually looking for. Amidst the voluminous correspondence of the Viscount Trenchard, I came upon the following translation of a German...
Apparently, the Canadian health care system also works.
Backpackers: Stop wasting your time trying to memorize words like "Chretien", "Eh", "Ottawa", and "Harper".
Deposed Canadian Liberal leader was indeed a good and able man, but was pretty clearly unsuited to the job as a party leader, as his whining about garden-variety opposition attacks during the campaign makes clear. I wish he had succeeded but he certainly didn't.Now we...
Calgary Grit projects another Conservative minority. A majority had seemed possible to me, but according to this data the Tories just can't pick up enough seats in Quebec, and strategic.
It's good to know that Canadian wingnuts are filled with modesty at the prospects of a Tory victory in two weeks. Good thing conservatives aren't, like, prone to sounding like.
Back in 2005 I sat on a panel at the University of Kentucky library on the future of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. At one point the conversation became heated, with an interlocutor from the audience suggesting that those who opposed the wars should...