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In my latest at the Diplomat I offer unsolicited, probably unwelcome advice to our neighbor to the north: NATO, and the capabilities that Canada has developed in order to effectively participate in NATO operations, will likely hold less relevance for Canadian strategic interests in the...

Ma Yansong

In General
On December 12, 2012
This is an interesting, if somewhat older, discussion of the Chinese architect Ma Yansong and his so-called "organic architecture." The piece focuses on his so-called "Marilyn Monroe" building in Mississagua, Ontario. Reading about this drove home a few points about architecture to this somewhat educated...
So it seems Quebec has started the Casserole Revolution. When I was growing up, casseroles were something I ate at hot dish night every Wednesday at our local Lutheran church. Today, they are revolutionary. Does this revolution include tater tot pie? Or canned green beans...


On May 24, 2012

Like any good American, this is my general understanding of Canada: But it turns out that far to the north, somewhere past the sea monsters, there is a place called.

Worthwhile Canadian Blogging

In General
On April 30, 2011
Excellent roundup of the 2011 election from Tom Slee. My additional comment is that the rise of the NDP/fall of the Liberals is another example of self-congratulatory liberal hawks being very, very special. There's room for only one prominent Iggy in Canada. I mean, say...


On April 19, 2011

Another Tory minority looks increasingly likely in the Canadian elections, although the increase in NDP support that may or may not hold up makes things difficult to predict.

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