My latest and the Diplomat thinks through the middle power dilemma: Canada’s dilemma in this regard is hardly unique. The broader question involves the degree to which military procurement policies.
Will be in Toronto conferencing later this week. I know nothing about this place except for a) the Blue Jays and b) I get to pay with stuff in some.

Now this is an interesting piece: What if there was an aircraft that was significantly faster, flew higher and cost half as much in today’s dollars as the F-35? And.
Derek H. Burney and Fen Osler Hampson seem to think so: Permitting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline should have been an easy diplomatic and economic decision for U.S..
Like any good American, this is my general understanding of Canada: But it turns out that far to the north, somewhere past the sea monsters, there is a place called.
Globe and Mail and the CBC calling a Conservative majority government, NDP not only official opposition (as widely predicted) but towards the top end of their range, Bloq wiped out..
Another Tory minority looks increasingly likely in the Canadian elections, although the increase in NDP support that may or may not hold up makes things difficult to predict.
My understanding is that the election following the non-confidence vote that felled the Harper government is likely to produce yet another Harper minority government, so whether it will change anything.