As a labor historian and scholar of the timber industry, I'm fascinated with the self-documentation of work and especially logging. This is an edited version of The Incredible Forest, a.
On June 25, 1919, the strike committee leading the Winnipeg General Strike called off the strike, effective the next morning. Perhaps the most famous strike in Canadian history and unquestionably.
Canada slightly improves in my esteem after its ketchup-related crimes by moving in a very positive direction on holding its corporations accountable for sweatshop labor overseas. Many countries do not.
That's it. It is now time to invade Canada and be done with this horror. Pour it on! Canadians love Ketchup Chips more than any other nation on earth. They.
I still maintain that the United States allowing Canada to exist is the nation's greatest policy failing. Here's yet another reason why: I’ve tried to remember when ketchup chips first.
Sounds like Canada needs to build a big wall to protect itself from these scary migrants who are probably bringing crime to the northern paradise, not to mention stealing Canadian.
Canadian natural resource companies are among the world's least socially responsible. Whether in mining, timber, or oil, they ravage the environment and intimidate or even kill local people standing in.
It's always nice when your enemies lay out the terms of engagement so starkly. I am naturally enough.