This story about the siphoning of water from the Sacramento River to the big corporate farms and cities of southern California says a lot about the future of water resources.
For this week's Forestry Friday post I want to follow up on last week's discussion of drug cartels destroying the forests of Mexico by bringing this story into the forests.
The California Senate has rejected a fracking bill that seems like common sense: Under Pavley's bill, oil companies would be required to give 30 days notice to land owners whose.
I was very happy to see President Obama use the Antiquities Act of 1906 to create Fort Ord National Monument in California, protecting some of the last wild land in.
This year is the 100th anniversary of the San Diego Free Speech Fight, when I.W.W. speakers were routinely denied their First Amendment rights for speaking in public about workers' rights..
An iconic moment in environmental history is the construction of the Hetch Hetchy Dam. San Francisco, always desperate for fresh water supplies, looked to the Sierra Nevada to quench its.
In the hipster world, California's Coachella Valley is known for strange creatures such as Animal Collective and Deer Tick that appear once a year to gigantic crowds of bearded men,.
In a rare piece of sensible legislation coming out of California, rural homeowners who rely on state firefighters for basic fire services will have to pay a $150 annual fee..