This fall, I am teaching graduate students for the first time. I am teaching our senior capstone course, which graduate students can sign up for. My course in on the.
This is the third in an eight part series on this year's Patterson School Summer Reading List: Jason Stearns, Dancing in the Glory of Monsters CJ Chivers, The Gun Anatol.
I promised to say more about Corey Robin's assessment of Antonin Scalia in The Reactionary Mind, some of which is excerpted here. Before I get to that, I should say.
This is the fifth of an eight part series on the 2011 Patterson Summer Reading List. Paul Collier, The Plundered Planet Greg Mortenson, Stones into Schools Jason Stearns, Dancing in the.
This is the third of an eight part series on the 2011 Patterson Summer Reading List. Paul Collier, The Plundered Planet Greg Mortenson, Stones into Schools Jason Stearns, Dancing in.
Reading CJ Chivers' The Gun, which is more of a history of automatic firearms than of the AK-47 itself. He mentions this advertisement, which is just 95 kinds of awesome..
Cameron McWhirter on the impact of the Mortenson scandal: Grass-roots nonprofits across the country now find themselves under intense scrutiny because of the Mortenson scandal. Many are considering going to.
I have no idea if the jacket copy is an accurate description of the contents, and the book seems interesting anyway, but this made me laugh when I came across.