Due to annoying illness and extended work commitments, part 5 of From Colony to Superpower will be delayed until tomorrow afternoon. Until then, see Paul from Subnumine:Herring does have a.
Erik introduces chapter five of From Colony to Superpower (for older posts click on the tag), which covers the period between 1837 and 1861. The customary random observations:Herring discusses the.
On to chapter IV of From Colony to Superpower…Herring clearly prefers the last of the Virginia Dynasty to the previous two. Much of the credit for Monroe’s foreign policy competence.
Erik leads off this week's discussion of From Colony to Superpower. Chapter 3 deals with the period between 1801 and 1815. This period saw the dominance of the Republicans, and.
George Washington composed his Farewell Address in cooperation with James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. The process took roughly five years, as the initial text was prepared in anticipation of a.
Erik's response to my FCTS I (From Colony to Superpower: Chapter 1) post is up. A lot of the discussion we've been having regards counterfactuals, which is plenty entertaining but.
Sometimes simple questions result in enormous projects. The question that Andrew Gordon tackles in Rules of the Game amounts to this: Why did the Grand Fleet fail to destroy the.
On September 6, I opened up my e-mail and found the following:Dear Robert Farley, I hope this email finds you well.I am organizing a few discussions on Party of Defeat.The.