Boeing cannot get out of its own way: Boeing will lay off 10% of its workforce in the coming months and cut its commercial jet production amid a month-old strike.
Boeing really can't get out of their own way and now this strike by the Machinists is just entrenched at enormous cost to the company. Boeing and its largest union.
I guess Boeing decided that planes falling apart in the sky due to its grotesque profit-taking and unionbusting was maybe a time not to double down on that ideology. Boeing.
Sure, Boeing is an absolute disaster that is killing people (though not on American owned flights so we didn't pay attention to it), but at least its executives have prioritized.
Sure Boeing planes are breaking apart in the air, but at least the company has its top priorities in order. Boeing officially locked out its unionized firefighters in Washington after.
The International Association of Machinists had hopes to organize Boeing's plant in South Carolina, which exists precisely because Boeing executives wanted to bust the unions in their Seattle plants. It.